Wednesday, May 18, 2022

My Answer to the Question: "Why is it hard for a man to marry you once you are staying together?"


Despite what modern-day women or feminists say, men are the prize, not women. It is a fact that there are more marriage-eligible women than men. More men refuse to marry in the current hostile marital climate making the number of marriage-eligible men even less.

This is likely due to the threat that 84% of all divorces are initiated by women, that the courts and child support system is biased against men, and that whether or not a wife cheats or files for divorce over the most ridiculous reasons, she will likely get half of everything they built during the marriage relationship. This transfer of the man's wealth is forced even though she likely brought very little in terms of assets into the relationship.

That said, he also may not be inclined to marry you because of how you allowed him to treat you. To be honest, men are hunters, and if you didn’t make him work for it, for him the hunt is over. One of the most exciting things about hunting is the challenge brought by the prey.

In the beginning, you probably wouldn’t have given him the time of day. You made him ask you on a date no less than three times before you accepted. When he got the date, the next challenge for him would be the first kiss. Perhaps weeks go by and he finally gets it!

Fast forward, a few dates later you two are behaving like a married couple, you moved in together (Mistake) even though there is no clear commitment, no ring, no date. This is a huge mistake. First marriage cannot be simulated. Second, there is no established committee to stay and work things out no matter what as in a real marital relationship. That said, as far as he’s concerned, he's got his prize. No need to pursue or hunt anymore. Now on to the next hunt. Unfortunately, whatever that is, you can believe, it’s not you anymore.

Ladies, the courting process is the only opportunity that you may have to make him value you and do so for life. If you treat yourself inexpensively, so will he. May I remind you that you are made in the image and likeness of God? It is true, we teach others how to treat us. Have him meet the parents and ask permission! This is still a time-honored tradition in many foreign countries to this day and one that can potentially save you tremendous pain and suffering. Parents have more experience with people and may likely see things that you may miss about your potential partner.

The obvious question may be: “What do men want in a wife? May I suggest as stated by the late Kevin Samuels, that men want women who are:

- Attractive

- Are cooperative, smart, and agreeable

- Fit

- Are affectionate, accommodating, subtle

- Are disciplined and discerning

-Feminine (Not strong and independent)

-Naturally nurturing

- Carefree, loving, easygoing

If this is not you, this could be the answer to your question. If this is so, I would start by reading great marriage and relationship books. You cannot use what you have not learned. If you have issues and know it, get therapy and work on yourself. If you are not fit, go to the gym, and get fit.

To be clear, the competition for a good man is high. There are already ladies that have done the work, who are fit, ready, and likely even younger than you who are competing for the same men. Raise your level to get the type of man that would be willing to marry you, in spite of all the reasons I mentioned that men are comfortable with. May I include offering to sign a prenup that may sweeten the deal if you are truly willing to enter into a marriage covenant for life?

In closing, this next piece of advice is hard. If he’s settled in and there is no sign of a marriage commitment after a year, have him move out into his own place. This time, if he wants you, make him earn you, and goodness sakes, do NOT sleep with him until after the wedding. Women in the past generations understood this principle and nearly all who wanted to be married got married. In best case scenario he will. Better case scenario, he leaves and someone else who is willing to earn you, will!


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

"Kevin Samuels" - Farewell to An Effective Social Influencer

    By now you may have heard that YouTube Influencer Kevin Samuels has died. May I say to his family and dear friends that I am sorry for your loss. 

    Whatever your opinion of him, good, bad, or indifferent, it is without a doubt that he made an impact on the world. I did not know him like those in his immediate circle. I would have liked to have met him and had an intelligent discussion. It is apparent that those who did know him had great respect for him and his work. I will give my personal summary of him in this post.

    In my initial reaction to his disposition and approach to his many female guests, it was clear that he already had a notion of how the impending conversation was going to go. He would usually give the person (mostly women) an opportunity to state their position on the topic of choice or ask him a question. One of the most intriguing interactions was with a 43-year-old, attractive, elegant woman. The title of the video was "Candid Conversation with "Born Again Virgin" Christian Feminist."

    Mr. Samuels immediately took control of the conversation, as he usually does, and began to gently ask her questions. I was impressed by how patient and present they both were. Contrary to what many, especially women, have said about him, he started very patiently and then began to ask the pointed questions. He let her know that he was a Christian since a boy and appears to have a good handle on what the scripture says. This got my attention. What also captured my attention was the subsequent succinct questions that he followed up with. You can watch the video and make up your own conclusions. However, as you watch the conversation unfolds, it is my opinion that not many women could have stood up to the questions and scrutiny that she endured with such poise and patience.

    Mr. Samuels brings "front and center," the realities that women face who have believed the feminist agenda, worked their careers beyond their childbearing years, and are still unmarried. He has the kind of conversations with women that those who love them should have had. His further comments literally made me laugh out loud which is clearly his appeal to his audience.

    Suffice to say, his voice and his contribution to the dating and relationship space will always be valued, missed, and are still needed. I pray that his relationship with God has yielded his being welcomed in Heaven and I hope to meet him there. Again, my condolences to his family and friends and that we remember him for what he has done while he was with us. God bless you, sir.


It's Happening! "Wormhole Moon II - Paradigm Shift" Is In Editing!

Hello Everyone!

    Thank you for reading my blog. I am very pleased to announce that Wormhole Moon has been a great success being my debut, Amazon 4.4-Star rated, Science Fiction novel. WHM II has entered the editing process. I have waited a very long time to get to the point and I give God all the praise and glory for it.

    I am so excited, I am going to post the first couple of paragraphs here, that's right, right here for your reading enjoyment! I want to thank all of you who have read my first book and have waited patiently for the second. I am grateful for that and I appreciate your patronage. Without further adieu, here are the first few paragraphs.

"Wormhole Moon II - Paradigm Shift," Chapter One

    The effectual alien harbingers of death are embedded in the cold hard Earth like they own it. They have now made the Antarctic their home. The environment is intolerably cold, brutal to naked skin, and wickedly savage to unprotected extremities. Swirling white snow blows over beautifully sculpted snow dunes, making shapes and designs as if by the hands of angels. Surely no one would find them here, or so they thought.

    There is neither sight nor sound of a human soul for one hundred miles. You could yell at the top of your voice and not be heard. Even in this isolated environment, there is not the slightest hint that over one hundred Chemdi-Shakahr (Chem-die Sha-car) are residing there in their half-buried cloaked spaceship. The Chemdi base ship is nestled in the hardened snow and ice of the remote, barren land in the southernmost part of Earth’s hemisphere.

    The base ship is a little over 1500 miles west of the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) base, McMurdo Station, and about 100 miles south of the subglacial Lake Vostok where the Chemdi identified an Earth outpost. The ship is strategically positioned, and to the Chemdi’s knowledge, their presence is so far undetected by the would-be slaves on Earth. Although the Chemdi is space travelers, they are also savage beasts, with their four powerful arms, webbed feet, and four fiery red eyes. [They clothe themselves in long cape-like robes of black adorned with what look like gold and silver-colored stoles as if they were royalty. They have declared themselves enemies of both Meritor and Earth, as directed by the Khorathians. The Khorathians are the leaders of this conflict and having an average age of nearly one thousand Earth years, manage it well. Meritor is Earth’s new and first alien ally. The highly intelligent and more advanced race fought together with Earth to defeat this enemy in their first battle. The Chemdi and their Khorathian leaders underestimated this alliance and will return to avenge their lost warriors. To that end, they will harass and cause the people of Earth to fear them before their second battle plans are complete.

    The Chemdi have observed the indigenous Earth wildlife, but nothing else so far. The ship’s commander is focused on accomplishing what is expected of him by Headquarters. A lone transport ship containing twelve Chemdi rises slowly in a creeping ascent from the -50° surface of the base ship’s deck. It flies through the force field disguising the base. The ship is carrying the supplies necessary for the Chemdi to establish a small stronghold in a secluded area of their choice. They seem to prefer secluded islands, but wildernesses will also do. Their forward reconnaissance team has done well; they know that the Earth is replete with secluded spaces, and they will put them to good use.

    The flight crew scans for enemy contacts, not expecting to find any. They have come to learn that creatures of Earth do not fly at night in this region. They see Earthlings as weak and petty. They have concluded that they tend to act out of fear. They also appear to behave as if they are the center of the universe. They are an arrogant and short-sighted race of beings that the Chemdi has come to despise...Except for one. Although a likely slave in their view, this individual has earned their respect. No other race of beings has disgraced them by destroying an entire ship brimming with Chemdi from the inside as the one they call the Long Weapon Warrior! This is their reference to Major Deon Striker. His heroic and seemingly impossible feat left a bitter taste in the mouths of the Chemdi-Shakahr and their leaders. They all know him by name and if given a chance, will kill him on sight.       


    I hope that you enjoyed it so far. If you did, kindly leave a comment, suggestions, or feedback! I appreciate all who have supported me thus far. Additionally, your requests to make "Wormhole Moon" into a long-play feature film, have not fallen on deaf ears. I am believing for the funding necessary to shoot the two screenplays in succession. I kindly ask that you remember me in your prayers as well. Until next time, thank you again, and may God bless you all.

Kind regards,


I Was Asked to Create This List...

 Greetings All, It is important to have real friends and those you have known for several years. They are the kind that are genuine and won...