Friday, February 3, 2023

"What in marriage is very difficult to accept in the beginning? - A Wedding Is Where A Couple Goes to Die

 When people consider getting married, they may not fully examine the fact that marriage is NOT a contract but a covenant and its origin comes from God (Genesis 2:22-25). That said, what might be very difficult to understand and to accept is that when you go before God to be married, you are literally going before an altar. Based on the statutes that God laid out to His people concerning the operation of the temple, the altar is a place where things go to die and are burned up as a sacrifice.

In short, when you go before the priest or officiant, who stands in proxy for Him, both man and woman are saying to each other, before God and the world “I die to myself and make this marriage covenant to my spouse the priority after God, even above my own wants and desires.”

This is further confirmed in Ephesians 5:21 (AMPC) 21 Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

Imagine how different marriages would be today if couples seriously internalized what I shared?  If each and everyone abided by this, it is likely that divorce lawyers would not be so busy.

When we know better, we should make an effort with all of our might, to do better. I pray that all who are considering getting married, even those currently married, would take the time to seriously reflect and consider in your heart individually and together, what this means for you. I kindly suggest that you would even pray on it and ask God for a deeper revelation. He loves you and would certainly answer such a prayer.

Yielding to the process of dying to oneself will be His expectation for you both as you grow together as a married couple. I trust that this helped you and all those who read this.


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