Friday, September 1, 2023

***URGENT Mask Information UPDATE***

 Greetings all. First, I want to thank everyone who read my blog content. Kindly leave a comment if you would like to see more content like this. I hope to share relevant information that you may not know. The Globalist Elites own the mainstream media and will not share information that goes against their narrative and globalist agendas. I research all that I say on my blog.

This information is for those who still prefer to wear masks. A mask study published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests that wearing N95 COVID masks may expose wearers to dangerous toxic compounds linked to seizers and cancer, 

I tried to find this report on the NIH website, but it is unavailable. However, I did find an article addressing this issue that was published by Swansea University. 

Here is something else you will not hear in the media. Everyone assumes COVID-19 is airborne. There has been no data presented that proves that. Furthermore, what if COVID isn't airborne at all? What if COVID was released into our drinking water? Please read what the University of Arizona has found in the bodies of those who died of COVID-19.


Photo by Frank Zhang on Unsplash

Doctor Confesses That COVID-19 IS a Bio-Weapon!

 Greetings all. I wanted to share this resource to all of you who are curious about the origin of COVID-19. I found it fascinating and very informative. To see the video, please click on this link

If you liked this content, please leave a comment about what you liked about the video in the comment section below. Thank you.


“Why “Pop the Balloon” Doesn’t Work”

  If you are similar to me, I tend to be drawn to videos that have to do with relationships. That would include instances of first meetings,...