Thursday, August 24, 2023

Masks Coming Back? What Is This Really All About?

My goal of this article is to present the possibility to my readers that previous communications about COVID and other related information by our government and corporate officials have not been correct and further use of it may likely hurt you and your family. This all starts with our government forcing the masses to do things they had no right to do. 

I will start with mask and vaccine mandates. There is precise published data, during the pandemic, on why mask-wearing was ineffective and why it was very harmful over time. Most of us fall on one side of this issue or the other based on recommendations or false narratives of the CDC, WHO, and WEF. 

The fact is, that they do not want you to know their "real" plans. and could care less about the health of our families and fellow citizens. What they care about is your obedience and compliance (Behavior modification). Might I gently suggest that we are experiencing domestic terrorism? Please see the interview with Dr. David Martin,

Agencies like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are not elected. They are appointed and have no allegiance to this country. They support the "One World Government" policies of the Davos Group which is supported by the UN. The CDC conveniently ignores scientific, standardized data collection methods to push its global agenda (Agenda 21 and 2030). I quote, "The CDC bases its mask guidance on "experimental and epidemiological data," rather than controlled studies. Experimental data is collected, for example, by squirting an aerosol through a cloth mask and measuring how far particles travel. Epidemiological studies, or, as the CDC calls them, "real world" data, generally involve case studies of transmission. (The Heritage Foundation).

In short, they choose the data they like to support their "One World Government" agenda rather than base their decisions on hard scientific data. They know all of this but feed the false data to the population with their press conferences and press releases.

A typical face mask is classified as a medical device. Only a medical doctor is authorized to write a prescription under the Medical Practice Act of 1987. Furthermore, any politician, Dean, principal of schools, government agency, or company who demands that we wear a mask is violating our informed consent in accordance with 45 CFR, Section 46.116 - General requirements for informed consent.

One disclosure that comes to mind I.A.W. 45 CFR is the following: (2) A description of any reasonably foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject. Did anyone disclose to us the risk of wearing masks or the possibility of harm caused by the vaccinations?

Did you know that the Occupational Safety and Health Agency has limitations as to how much CO2 you can reasonably be exposed to in an eight-hour workday? Some studies have revealed that a person who wears a mask in an eight-hour day can easily be exposed to a Carbon Dioxide limit that exceeds 10,000 parts per million (ppm). Kindly look at this chart to see what an exposure of 7,000 ppm can do. It is no wonder that schoolchildren complain about wearing masks.

In short, almost everything about the first COVID pandemic, including the information from the CDC, Dr. Fauci, the UN, WHO, WEF, the pharmaceutical companies, and the mainstream media, was incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent, and violated our rights. Personally, I no longer trust anything that they have to say.

Concerning the vaccines, after researching the pharmaceutical patent applications, I was astonished that the pharmaceutical companies weren't required to completely disclose all the ingredients in the "so-called" COVID-19 vaccines. Only now, are we finding many harmful components in the shots. Some of them like graphene oxide are considered dangerous and even fatal to the human body.

An internist, Dr. Carrie Madej, shared these words after looking at the vaccine's contents under an electronic microscope: "There was one particular object or organism, I'm not sure what to call it, that had tentacles coming from it. It was able to lift itself up off of the glass slide. It appeared to be self-aware or able to grow or move in space." You can read her account in the article posted here.

Insurance companies have been getting involved with the forensic medical community to determine what is causing the sudden deaths in our country. Studies have revealed a common condition in many patients: clotting. Studies have found the toxic effects of graphene oxide have harmful effects, including its tendency to lead to blood clotting.

In closing, I hope I shared enough information to pique your interest and encouraged you to research more for yourself, your family, and your friends. Resist and stand up for your rights as a citizen. 


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