Thursday, November 17, 2022

Don't Get Tired of Doing Good - It Will Pay Off

 There are times in our lives when we feel feel like it has become routine. It may appear that we are doing the same thing everyday, while seemingly not making any progress, or as much progress that we desire. It can feel disappointing at times. As a Christian, I am reminded of the scripture passage in Galatians 6:9 (NIV) Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

I looked up the word "well-doing (in doing good)," in the original Greek. It means: beautiful, but chiefly good, i.e. Valuable or virtuous.

What a description that is! Did you know that what you might feel to be ordinary and mundane, can be viewed by others as beautiful, valuable and virtuous? Moreover Almighty God sees what you are doing and if you are doing good, He sees it as valuable. In fact, the seeds of good work(s) that you are sowing, He promises that it WILL bring a harvest, IF, you do not faint or give up.

The Greek word for "give up" means to "To loose, release, unloose (as a bow-string), relax, enfeeble; pass." What I found interesting about this definition is that it reminded of another word that is related to the bow. That is the word "sin." It is more of a military term that meant in the day of the use of bows and arrows to "miss the mark." In other words, when an archer aimed at a target and missed hitting it with his arrow, his fellow archers would say that he "sinned" or missed the mark.

When we get weary and give up, we miss the mark as well. Instead of getting frustrated by the routine and the seemingly lack of progress, kindly consider seeing this as a test of your resolve. After all, if achieving goals were that easy, everyone would be doing it and with ease. Furthermore, experiencing the harvest will be all that much sweeter and you will fully appreciate it. 

Keep going my friend. Don't give up now. You are likely closer than you think. Look forward to celebrating your harvest with family and friends. Look forward to the feeling of achieving something truly remarkable. In your later days, it will be another cherished memory for you to enjoy.


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

When You Are At War, Remember More Than One Victory Will Be Won.

 I have been waging a war for myself and generations for a long time, more than five years hence. It has been tough. I have had to grow in many different areas along the way, heal from my wounds and fight while I was still hurting.

After fighting many battles, it would seem that I can see a a ray of light at the end of this war. It is so close that I can taste it to the glory of God. At the same time, I remind myself to stay focused on completing one task at a time to finish the mission.

To be clear, my team has been outstanding, praying for me, giving me the encouragement and coaching needed as I also did the same. We wouldn't have gotten this far without God's help, each other and His excellent "air support."

If you feel tired, discouraged, like you are at the end of your rope, you might even feel like are losing hope and faith. Know that you are not alone. You can do it. Ask God for help, for support, for those who will join with you in prayer. I recommend these things because they work! You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Good soldiers know to use the strategies and tools that have been well-tested over time.

In closing, a well fought war yields many victories that yield fruit that spans over decades and beyond. This is what you are fighting for. This is what you have to took forward to. Don't give up, because it's worth it, and will forever be remembered as your legacy.


I Was Asked to Create This List...

 Greetings All, It is important to have real friends and those you have known for several years. They are the kind that are genuine and won...